Pen Dock Light

Strawberry Concept

Problem: In this project, I was asked to design a “pen dock” and to incorporate an interesting light feature into the design. Our final design had to be 3D printed and functional.

Solution: My focus was to create a friendly and playful object that could be placed on a desk and incorporate a “hidden” pen dock that could also be used as a soothing desk light for added ambiance.

Technical Focus: Developing foundation in Rhino 3D, modeling and rendering final outputs in both KeyShot and Blender. Explored 3D printed capabilities where I had to sand, use Bondo material, prime and paint the final 3d object.


Role: Individual Student Assignment - SCAD
Timeline: 1.5 weeks
Software: Rhino 3D, Blender, KeyShot
Materials: 3D printed plastic, Bondo, spray paint, lacquer finish

Foam concepts & 3D printed process

Final 3D printed product


Day of The Dead